Month: September 2019

Info of Dugi And Zygor Guides

Installation: Zygor Guides takes the cake in efficiency of installation and easy updates. Dugi installation is more complicated than Zygor. One of the pros of Zygor Guides is that they automatically update, where as with Dugi, the user must manually reinstall certain add-ons. Dugi could be a bit better if the company implemented auto updates of software.

Try Before You Buy: Dugi Guides will get you to level 40 free of charge, where as Zygor Guides free-trial ends at only level 13. To some, this is inefficient, because even beginner players can level up to 13 in less than a day. Dugi wins, hands down, as far as letting the players thoroughly try-out the guide before buying.

Pricing: While high prices do not mean quality in any and all products, it is worth noting that Dugi does cost less than Zygor. It’s up to the player to decide which guide works best for them. But Dugi Guides does offer both alliance and horde gathering guides for a flat price, while Zygor Guides sells each guide separately. Dugi Guides prices start around $97 per set, where as Zygor prices guides individually, starting around $50. Dugi inches out Zygor in the price department.

The Guides:While price and installation are important aspects, most players are truly interested in what the guides consist of. How they work? Are they efficient? Here is a brief rundown of the pros and cons of both Zygor and Dugi.

Features both guides offer –

  • Both Zygor and Dugi have navigational pointers displayed on the screen during the game, and help lead the players in the right direction.
  • Both guides instruct the players on which quests to go on, how many mobs the player should dispose of, and how many objects to pick up.

Dugi Guide Pros and Zygor Guide Cons:

  • Dugi Guides has an icon that pops up on the screen during a quest that allows the player to click on the icon instead of searching through their bags. Zygor offers a similar icon, but it is much smaller.
  • Dugi marks quests as either completed or allows you to skip them. Zygor Guides only allows the player to skip quests.
  • Dugi lets you decide whether of not to skip a quest, where as Zygor will decide for you if it sees that nothing of value to the player on that particular quest. While this can help with leveling players, some players may not like Zygor making decisions for them

Zygor Pros and Dugi Cons:

  • Zygor keeps track of paths that have already been completed, even when the game is not in use. Dugi simply disregards these paths and focuses only on the current level. This can make navigation difficult as a player needs to backtrack.
  • Zygor Guides is able to keep the player caught up with mobs and flight paths even if the player has leveled out. Dugi Guides, meanwhile, assumes that you have skipped a particular quest, which may cause the player to have to spend more time trying to figure out why mobs aren’t dropping certain items.
  • Zygor tell the player what is coming up in the game, where as Dugi simply gives information about the current quest and situation.

Extras: Both Dugi and Zygor go above and beyond simply being an In-Game Guide. Both offer extras with subscription, but Dugi offers a bit more than Zygor. For example, one extra that Dugi offer that Zygor does not are profession guides. Dugi offers guides for every profession, where as Zygor offers just one. But Zygor offers articles on Auction House and Gold Guides.


HTML5 Game Development

HTML5 Games Companies

There are many companies which are specialized in this new technology. They have a good range of games for all age groups. If you want a game to be developed then go to those developers who have successfully completed at least a dozen projects. They should have a good portfolio of games. You should choose the game which is suitable for you. You will get the support for the game after the purchase. Make sure that the game developer is using latest technologies like construct 2 to develop 2D games.

HTML5 Licensing

When you get the game developed then you get the exclusive rights to the game so you can sell it as well. You can also go for non-exclusive rights to the game without the selling option. You can find developers who are specialized in 2d gaming technologies. If you are planning to charge the user then go for extended licensing. If you want to earn the revenue through the advertisements only then you can go for cost-effective regular HTML5 game licensing. You can also avail the services of compiling the game for android or iOS. The USP of a good game developer is – they build the games around the client inputs and constantly engage with the client during the course of game development.

Reskinning of the Games

If you want a game in a particular style and appearance then that can be done as well. So, you can have graphics, sounds, texts and other features as per your liking while the original codes will be intact. You won’t have to wait long to get the reskinning done, it will get done in 3 to 5 days.

Construct 2 Engine

This Technology is in a growth stage. The web browsers have already been redone to facilitate HTML5 games. This technology has inbuilt javaScript engines and frameworks like Construct 2. These frameworks enable the developers to create wonderful games in a short span of time. The framework technologies totally utilize the improvements in the browser. HTML5 are browser-based. Construct 2 is a behavior-based logic system to develop and edit HTML5. Construct 2 contains the event sheets which are like the source files present in programming languages. Construct 2 can export to the majority of browsers and online platforms like Facebook, amazon app store, etc.

Grand Theft Auto PC

Rockstar has delivered on an open world experience unrivaled by any previous game. It has crafted a world that feels truly alive and brilliantly captures the perversion of the American Dream that has been glorified by popular media today.

The action is divided up between three protagonists and each one has their own style, story and theme. There is Michael’s story about a criminal who achieved the dream of making enough to cash out and the depression that followed, to Franklin’s story of ambition that will eventually lead him to Michael’s fate and Trevor’s crazed madness that embodies the player’s natural destructive tendencies when playing a GTA title.

This is nothing new from the consoles so what sets GTA on PC apart? GTA 5 PC benefits from the new lighting model, post-processing effects, day-to-night cycle and added vegetation of the next-gen console versions and shadow detail that affect everything from the way characters’ faces look close-up to depth-of-field effects, water and grass.

The controls translated well enough to the mouse and keyboard except for flying, which requires use of WASD, the number pad, and the mouse, which means you need three hands to easily pilot aircraft. Driving also takes some getting use to, as slight adjustments are easy on a joystick but difficult on keyboard. Prepare to crash some really nice cars before finally getting the hang of leaving the Los Santos Police in the dust.

The PC version also has first person perspective, which brings crime to a whole new personal level. Walking the streets of Los Santos and seeing the world through the eyes of Michael or Franklin bring the immersion to a whole new level. Gunplay also feels tighter in first person and driving has a completely new thrill.

The definitive addition to the PC version is the new Rockstar Editor and its accompanying Director Mode. At any point, you can start recording your play session in clips of up to 90 seconds in length. You can also use an instant replay function to grab footage from an always-on buffer after you do something cool or crazy. You can then use the Rockstar Editor to edit and montage these clips, changing the camera angle, adding filters, and putting in new background music. This addition has created a tool for those who want to make YouTube Videos but don’t have the sophisticated software to do so.

Single Player Card Games

First of all I will address what makes single player card games so enjoyable. Single player card games have been around for hundreds of years and are a core part of western society. People enjoy them for a number of reasons, the more basic games, such as Klondike and clock solitaire are simple and accessible for most people, this is what makes them so fun, all you need is yourself, a little time and a deck of cards.

Some people enjoy the challenge placed by the more complex card games, some find playing single player card games relaxing on a cool summers day. The choices are endless and this is what makes them such a good hobby – once you’ve learnt a couple of single player card games they can amuse you for hundreds of hours, simply because each game is always different, no game of solitaire is the same, and with the number of varieties that are out there, single player card games are one of the best hobbies around.

Card games have evolved over the years, today when most people think of solitaire games today, many people would immediately think of the digital versions for computers, and this is a natural occurrence and overall a good thing for single player card games, as times change they need to stay current, however, there are still millions of people who play the “old-fashion way” with a standard deck of cards.

When can I play single player card games? Some single player card games are short (10-15 minutes) while others can range from 30-45 minutes. Once you’ve learnt a number of both complex and simple games, you can choose which to play depending on your time frame.

For example if your on holiday and you’ve got a few minutes before your going to the beach, a quick game of Klondike can be the perfect time killer. Whereas if your on the boat on your way to your holiday, a nice long game of La Belle Lucie may be more suited.

Now I will attach a brief guide of how to play Beehive Solitaire, which a fun, interesting variant of solitaire:

Shuffle the pack. Then, holding the cards face down, count off 10 cards and put them in a pile face up on the table, with only the top card showing. This is the beehive.

Deal off the next 6 cards, placing them in 2 horizontal rows of 3 cards each. This is the flower garden into which you try to get the bees, or cards in the beehive, as well as all the other cards. Hold the remainder of the pack in your hand, face down.

The object is to combine all the 52 cards in sets of 4 of a kind, such as 4 Threes, 4 Jacks, and so on, by grouping them in sets of 4 in the flower garden, and removing each set when it is completed.

Play: With the cards laid out as described, begin to send bees to the garden. If the top card of the beehive is the same in value as any car in the garden, place it on that card. Then the next card in the hive being uncovered may be used if it has the same value as any card in the garden.

No card is ever place on the beehive, since the object is to use up all its cards as quickly as possible. Cards are placed only on the 6 garden cards.

If 2 cards in the garden have the same value, place one on top of the other, and fill the vacant space with the top card of the beehive. When all the cards of the same value, among the cards on the table, have been combined, deal off 3 cards from the pack in your hand, placing them in a pile face up, with only the top card (the third card from the top of the pack) showing.

This will begin a working pile. If the top card has the same value as any card in the garden, place it on the garden card, and use the card it uncovers in the working pile if it, too, has the same value as any in the garden. When you complete a set of 4 cards of the same value in the garden, such as 4 threes, remove it, put it to one side, and fill the vacant space with the top card of the beehive.

When there are no more cards in the beehive, fill a vacant space with the top card of the working pile. Go through the pack 3 cards at a time, placing them face up on the working pile and using as many as you can on cards in the garden, building sets of 4. Then turn over the working pile and go through it again, 3 cards at a time.

To win the game: If you combine all the cards in sets of 4, you win. Then turn over the working pile and go through it again, 3 cards at a time. However, if you have gone through the working pile without being able to use a single card, you lose the game.

Overall single player card games are one of the best hobbies still around today, they stimulate your brain, are excellent for practising your problem solving skills and have been shown to increase your IQ, so give them a try!

Grand Theft Auto Characters

Lamar Davis

Lamar is the best friend of Franklin Clinton they both went to Davis High School together when they were teenagers. Eventually, the two men became involved in crime. Now going about stealing (or “repo-ing”) cars for the dealership where they work. Lamar always has something intelligent to say, even if he doesn’t have the eloquence to really say it, and he shows that there is more to a small time gangster than meets the eye.

Fun Fact: Lamar was originally supposed to be the character that Franklin ended up being but due to a last minute decision by Rockstar his role was altered.

Franklin Clinton

Franklin is a small time gangster, working for a crooked guy who wants him to boost cars for a living. Franklin is the first playable character in GTA V (discounting the prologue) and is our first introduction to the sprawling world of Los Santos.

Franklin was born in South Los Santos in 1988. Following his mother’s death, Franklin moved in with his grandparents. Despite being constantly spoiled by his grandmother, Franklin had decided to take on the role of a street hustler. One of his first jobs was selling cigarettes with Bradshaw however, it isn’t until Franklin jacks Michael’s son’s car that he is promoted into the criminal world of high risk, high reward.

Micheal De Santa / Townley

Michael Townley used to be part of a big time gang, pulling off bank heists and getting into ferocious shoot-outs. After he is shot by the police, however, he decides to take the way out; witness protection in exchange for information.

Michael is a great character to balance the three protagonist structure. He strikes a balance between Franklin’s cool, collected attitude and Trevor’s crazy. Michael can be as reasonable as the next guy, but when he’s in a bad mood, he can almost be as manic as his old partner. Michael is about as far away from the stereotypical GTA protagonist as you could get, and it seems rather fresh to start off the game as a success this time round.

Killzone Mercenary

With that in mind it’s unusual that like many PlayStation Vita owners I find myself eagerly anticipating the latest series entry Killzone: Mercenary. For the first time players will be able to take a full Killzone first person shooter experience on the go complete with a full deep competitive online mode. Killzone isn’t the first FPS to come to Vita, the Sony owned Resistance series and Activision’s colossal Call of Duty were both previously been released onto the hardware back in 2012 to a tepid response from fans and critics alike; both developed by the same company – Nihilistic Software. Owners of the powerhouse portable are hoping that it’s Guerrilla Cambridge’s first go at Killzone that will prove to be Vita’s FPS saviour and buck the genres trend of disappointment on the portable. Sony seems confident in the game as PlayStation Plus subscribers were treated to an open beta of the online multiplayer earlier last week which I’ve spent some time with.

Allow me to start my impressions by saying how amazed I am that the 4v4 rounds run incredibly smoothly with little to no lag issues, through my time playing I’ve never seen a player disconnect once in play. The highest praise which I can impart upon Killzone Mercenary is how perfectly it emulates Killzone 3’s gameplay; the engine has been ported to the Vita so sublimely it replicates the previous PS3 instalment to such a degree it’s like playing a console quality game in the palm of your hand. Even with my qualms over previous entries gameplay I thoroughly enjoyed every round I played. Without a shadow of doubt if the beta is any indication Killzone could very easily be the FPS Vita has been waiting for.

Killzone Mercenary bears a stronger visual and gameplay resemblance to its predecessors than it does to upcoming PS4 launch title Killzone: Shadowfall. Locations accessible by players in the beta are awash with the series traditional war torn brown and grey palette. The controls are much tighter than expected considering the jump to a handheld; there’s a slight adjustment period but players should acclimatise fairly quickly after which both aiming and movement feel responsive and precise. Mercenary controls undoubtedly and surprisingly better than any previous portable FPS thanks to the Vita’s twin thumb sticks and happily feels as comfortable as playing on a home console like the PS3. Touch screen functionality is present but thankfully uninvasive – most touch inputs are also mapped to a button press allowing players to choose which they prefer. Only the intuitive knife kill inputs require swiping the touch screen, missing these touch QTE’s allows enemies to counter or escape the attack adding extra level of skill to proceedings, whether this will simply become an annoyance however remains to be seen.

As previously stated all beta activity is restricted to one map named Shoreline that draws heavy inspiration from locales of Killzone past, it hasn’t yet been announced how many maps will feature in the full retail release. Shoreline is well constructed with blend of sub terrain tunnels, open plan arenas and some strategic high ground for snipers – perfect for the 4v4 matches the multiplayer revolves around. Once the released the game will feature three competitive online modes: Mercenary Warfare, Guerrilla Warfare and Warzone – Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch and Objectives respectively. For the purpose of beta players are restricted to Warzone only. Within Warzone the two rival factions, ISA and Helghast, face off against one another attempting to fulfil alternating objectives before their rivals in order to score points.

Warzone matches consist of five rounds featuring four different types of alternating objective. The round kicks off with the first of the five objectives named bounty. In bounty players must face off against each other like a traditional deathmatch, though unlike a traditional deathmach players must also collect the bounty card rivals drop upon their defeat, meaning that sniping won’t do much good unless you can swoop in to collect the reward. In addition to collecting defeated foes bounty card if team mates are quick enough they jump to the rescue and save a deceased ally’s card before the opposing forces claim the kill. The objective is quick paced and engaging, it sets up the rest of the match perfectly guiding players to work as a team to ensure the successful collection of cards.

Next up on the playlist is hacker, this objective type pops up in list twice as both the second and fourth rounds. In this mode VAN-guard capsules are dropped onto the map, within these capsules are special temporary power ups, players who hack them are randomly assigned a boon, which include but aren’t limited to air-to-surface missiles, a personal stealth generator and an arc launcher that zaps foes in close proximity into submission. Claiming the booty within these capsules takes a good amount of teamwork as hacking one requires the hacker to take part in a mini game of matching symbols, whilst doing so they become vulnerable to fire becoming reliant on allies to cover them. The mini game is simple enough to be an intuitive twist on the usual opening animation and timer without becoming a nuisance; additionally rewards skilled players who will be able to claim the prizes with more ease.

Smack in the middle at round three is interrogation. The goal in interrogation is to sneak up on rivals and dispatch them using Mercenary’s violent knife attacks. These strikes use the previously mentioned touch screen QTE’s making killing a group of foes in quick succession impossible, instead they need to be isolated; picked off one at a time. The round makes for an exciting diversion from the wonderful gun play forcing combatants to switch up tactics to get the drop on foes. This is the lowest scoring round in the stack of challenges as in many games I played combatants continued to simply shoot each other rather than attempting to interrogate with knife kills making point scoring difficult.

After a fourth round consisting of another go at hacker players are treated to a more traditional closing round – body count. With body count the teams are pitted against each other within normal team death match rules, points are awarded to each side whenever a rival combatant is slain by an ally. The mode doesn’t take much more describing than that and is a delightful way to close the mayhem. Since most players seem to play this way 90% of the time it’s where the points are made up and losing teams can make miraculous come backs. Overall the Warzone mode is a good laugh and strong indicator of the strength of Killzones gameplay. The final round body count simply makes me excited to play a standard team deathmatch.

Like most online shooting titles every “positive” action awards players with experience, actions like: kills, head shots, picking up ammo and completing objectives etc. Experience in Killzone also doubles as credits, the in game currency used to buy new weapons, armour and items that help tailor your character to your preferred play style. When the game launches actions from the single player will also allow the collection of credits adding a cross mode value to the currency giving player a choice of how they earn. Online the credit approach is a friendly system that allows players to advance along the paths they desire rather than a pre-determined system that locks players out of upgrades depending on their level. Speaking of which.

Although players are assigned ranks and levels in a traditional sense Killzone also features an additional indicator of skill. Remember the bounty cards that need to be collected in the first round of the Warzone? Well these are tailored to represent players skill level combined with their play style. Each card is represented by a card from a traditional deck, players earn a rank from 2 to Ace depending on how much money they earned the previous day, the more credits earned the higher the representation. The suit is awarded depending on which weapons players scored the most kills with the previous day. Collecting the cards earns players awards and gives them incentive to kill as many types of players to collect their cards as possible. Additionally the card is a better indicator of current skill than a level.

In the end the small slice on offer in Killzone Mercenary’s beta exudes hope for the title, the fact Sony allowed the game to go to open beta a few weeks before launch should be a strong indicator that they feel confident; with good reason. What’s available to play is a well-polished tightly controlled engrossing multiplayer experience littered with a good variety of exciting game modes. The unique bounty card system feels right at home on a portable system where players may not get a chance to play every single day. I wasn’t a Killzone fan going to to Mercenary but it’s slick fun gameplay won me over now I’m eagerly awaiting the release. Open Beta is now available for all Vita owners who want to check it out. Check back soon for a full review.

Choose a Race in WoW

While you cannot select any race / class combination you want in World of Warcraft because Blizzard has imposed some limitations, you can make some bad choices.

Any combination you are allowed to pick will work fine but, there are some combinations that can really enhance your game play as your character levels up.

On the Horde side choosing something like a Troll for a hunter because they have increased skill with ranged weapons makes sense unlike a Human Hunter on the Alliance side because there are no real racial attributes of a Human that make sense with the Hunter class.

Well it work fine as a Human Hunter? Yes and you get things like reputation gains but, A Dwarf that also has increased skill with ranged weapons may have a leg up at higher levels.

Learning how to choose a race in WoW is also about what you are going to be playing with that character. PVP players look for different attributes than those interested in PVE play.

Players choosing spell casting classes on the Alliance side may favor Humans because of the increased spirit or a Draenei because of the racial that provides a better chance to hit with spells. There is also the option of Worgen that offers increased critical hit chance.

Looking at the PVP environment it has always appeared that most Horde races have an advantage because it does appear that they have more PVP related racials than Alliance. This has been debunked over the years by showing the true balance between Horde and Alliance on the Battlefield and in the Arena environment.

The bottom line is that players should spend some time considering the impact of the race they choose in relation to the class they want to play. If you are looking at becoming a serious player in the PVP or PVE environments it can certainly make a difference at the highest levels of play.

If you are simply a casual player that wants to mess around and have some fun, pick a race you like to look at because you are going to be spending a ton of time looking at your character as you play the game.

I have always been a fan of power leveling different characters and I usually try some odd race / class combinations just to see how they work out.

Skylanders Swap Force

The real selling point for this year’s Skylanders is the ability to switch the bodies and legs of your new Skylanders. When you buy the starter pack you’re given a new portal, the game, two swappable characters, and a regular non-swappable Skylander. To switch the Swap Force characters is pretty easy; just unsnap the characters’ magnets, then change out the tops. My favorite aspect of the Swap characters is that the bottom and top portions have their own leveling tree for different powers. Just like in the previous installments of Skylanders, there’s plenty of variety.

Upon release, there was a very limited selection of swappable Skylander characters. Activision concentrated on different sculpts of previously released characters rather than making new ones. Though as of the beginning of this year, Activision has been doing a spectacular job with churning out more characters. It was just a shame that at release the selection was so limited.

After a lengthy cutscene in the beginning of the game, you’ll finally be in control of your choice of hero. If you’ve played any sort of third person action RPG you’ll feel right at home. It’s your standard beat-em-up, gain access to the next area, more enemy characters appear to block your path. Rinse and repeat for the entire portion of the lengthy single player. There are some puzzles that require cooperation (like moving blocks to gain access to a path) and other fairly standard puzzles. This won’t be difficult to anyone under the age of ten, so keep that in mind.

The real charm of the series has to be the overly stylized cartoonish aspect of the worlds and characters. Some players might find the aesthetic appeal of the overall package somewhat annoying and in your face but in my opinion it works quite well for a game like this. The version I played was for the Wii U so the bright colors and loud characters made the game feel right at home with other Nintendo products. As a parent, you won’t ever feel like your child would catch a joke he wasn’t supposed to hear.

Again when it comes to actually playing the game, nothing has really changed except for the new addition of Swap Force characters. The game essentially feels like the previous Skylanders titles. Which could great for younger fans of the series but for veteran gamers, it’s more or less eye roll inducing. I will say the combat is a bit more engaging than Disney Infinity. Here in Swap Force, there wasn’t any frame rate stutter as the game kept up with all of the action on screen.

Of course with a game franchise as big as Skylanders, most likely whoever is playing Swap Force will want to experience the cooperative play and this is where the game truly shines. If you’re playing the game by yourself, it can be a bit boring and stale. With another person playing right next to you, you can experiment with different character choices. Heck, you could even switch your Swap Force characters around for added quirkiness. For some odd reason, this game still lacks online co-op and this is a serious misstep for a title like this. Perhaps it has to do with the fact that it’s marketed for younger gamers but even Disney Infinity included this feature. I would categorize this as developer and publisher laziness.

Dynasty WoW Addon


First, let’s start with Tycoon, Dynasty’s WoW gold guide addon. Of every addon in the suite, I have to say that this is my personal favorite. It has opened up so many opportunities for me in respect to earning more WoW gold. This addon works closely with an auction house addon called Auctionator (I believe Auctioneer can also be used). After a few scans of the auction house through Auctionator, you can begin to see numbers averaging out. You can then open Tycoon and use one of the several choices of money making schemes. If you have gathering skills such as mining, you can go to the gathering tab and Tycoon will tell you what you can gather for the highest profit, based on your auction house scanning information. If you have crafting skills, you can also use the crafting skill to see what puts out the highest profit. Don’t be discouraged if you don’t have any trade skills, though. You can also go to the farming tab, and it will show you items that you can obtain by killing certain mobs in certain zones, and which put out the most profit. The best thing about this addon, in my opinion, is that when you select what item you would like to gather/farm, Tycoon places a gathering “zone” or route in the zone where you can find the item. If mining, it will place a route to follow in the zone that takes you passed most mining nodes in that zone, if not all.


Let’s move on now to the next addon. Ranked second in my opinion, is Booster. This addon has a very helpful WoW levelling guide that shows you what quests to take and exactly where to go to complete them. This addon makes levelling much quicker, as it always takes the shortest path through the levelling process. It will show you which quests to complete and in which order. One neat feature about this addon is that it has separate guides for both alliance and horde levelling, and covers just about any zone within the game. The guide even shows what level ranges are recommended for each zone, so that you can pick the zone that is most closely linked to your current level. This addon also has an arrow that you can move anywhere within your UI that will point directly to your next objective and tells you how far away it is from you. I have found this to be very helpful in levelling my alts.


Although I personally do not put much use into the next addon, I can see how it could be very helpful for newer players, or even veterans who just want to find alternatives or even better ways to specialize their characters. This addon, known as Edge, is a guide on how you may set up your character based on what you would like to do. If you feel as though you want to compete in some PvP battlegrounds or arenas, Edge will tell you the pros and cons of each specialization in regards to PvP utility. This also applies to PvE, if you are not into the PvP aspects of the game. This guide includes all classes and specializations, and if you find a setup that you might want to try, you can set Edge to auto-spec your character’s talents. This guide also suggests what glyphs to use for your specific class and spec.


Last, but absolutely not least, is the Impulse addon. This one has some potentially neat features. You can use this addon to set up certain keybinds, for example you can easily set it so that shift and alt can control your extra toolbars. For example, you can set shift + 1 to control the first slot on your 2nd or 3rd toolbar, and so on. This addon lets you set up a whole toolbar with just one click, rather than going into settings and changing each individually. Aside from this, there is my favorite feature of this addon. It includes a tab on which you can find several useful macros for your class, and these macros can be programmed into your character’s macro list with just the click of a button, making your gameplay so much easier. I have found use in several of the macros listed for every one of my classes.

About WoW Hunter Pets Guide

Just like any class in World of Warcraft there are ups and downs during game play. All characters go through times when you can just barely stay alive but then you get some great new equipment and all of a sudden you are kicking butt. Well this works the same with a hunters pet selection.

I like to think of my hunter pets as another member of my party, just like a mage, rogue or warrior. A hunters pet should complement the hunters current abilities just like a well balanced party.

If you have not found any better equipment in a while you may be weak and more vulnerable. In this case I recommend using a tank type pet that eats easy to find food like a bear which has a high level of health, medium level armor and eats bread, cheese, fish, fruit, fungus and most importantly meat which is very easy to find. A boar is also a good choice as it has the same diet and similar attributes.

On the flip side, if your hunter is well fortified and you feel comfortable defense wise then you might as well go for a high DPS pet such as a bat or a cat both of which have medium health and low armor but high DPS to destroy your foes quicker. A cat has an easier to manage diet of fish and meat where as the bat eats fruit and fungus, it all depends on what is more available to you where you are. You don’t have to go to extremes but if you have a good opportunity to switch pets you might as well do it. I know that taming a new pet can sometimes be difficult so I don’t recommend changing pets unless you really see potential benefit in doing so.

If you don’t feel the need to or simply don’t want to change pets very often there are other great options that are easy to maintain and have medium level attributes. One of my favorites are carrion birds which are highly versatile with medium health, medium armor, medium DPS and are easy to feed since they eat fish and meat and they look very cool too.

As a close second to carrion birds I recommend hyenas which also have medium health, medium armor, medium DPS and eat fruit and meat. But I have to admit that my true favorite across the board pets are wolves. Stat wise they are not much different than carrion birds or hyenas but they look cool using bite and dash abilities and have a unique personality which makes them a bit more fun to play with. They are also medium health, medium armor and medium DPS but only eat meat, still you got to try a wolf as a pet to really know how cool they are.