The Game’s Story line
In this finale, Batman is challenged by a threat that is against Gotham city. The threat is the infamous Scarecrow that is attempting to gather Penguin, Harley Quinn and Two-Face in order to have the numbers to demolish the Dark knight once and for all. In Batman Arkham Knight, a drive-able vehicle is introduced, meaning a new experience of Gotham city where Gamers get to surge and drive around. In a nut-shell, Gotham City took a new direction with the introduction of the epic character; Batman.
Game’s Release
The Batman Arkham Knight game is set to be released on 23rd of June, 2015. This is the stipulated worldwide release date. It is a production that was developed and published by Rocksteady Studios and Warner Bros Entertainment, respectively. Enthusiasts have been given various options to pre-order or pre-purchase the video game before the release date.
The Game’s compatibility
The Game is developed for PlayStation 4 consoles, Microsoft Windows devices, Apple’s Mac OS devices, Devices running on Linux platform and Xbox One consoles. This means that gamers who own devices on these platforms will be able to enjoy the graphic-detailed video game seamlessly and should not expect compatibility issues.
Expected Graphics in Compatible Platforms
The graphics are expected to be of distinct quality just as they have been in the recent past releases. However, it is still too early to say exactly what the resolution and frame rate will be since the developers have not exposed that information to the public. Regardless, a minimum resolution of 1080p and a frame rate of 30 frames per second is the expected graphics quality. Since the main aim, as far as graphics is concerned, is parity on all platforms, the final and ultimate resolution and frame rate will be laid out in the Game optimization phase.