You start in a set of a beautiful island where your peaceful village is surrounded by beaches and woods until the enemies known as the BlackGuard led by Lieutenant Hammerman invades your island. After managing to defend against a small invasion force, he promises to avenge his loss in battle.

As your village grows, you need to explore uncharted territories for Gold and Wood which are the 2 key resources you will require in start of the game ( there is also Stone resource, which you discover later in the game ). Through your exploration, you will stumble upon many islands whereby the villages have been held captive under BlackGuard slavery and you benefit from free Gold resources as long as they are unoccupied.

For your offense, you have Gunboats which are able to shoot at enemy defenses from a long range and Landing Crafts which you have to fill up after you train units such as Rifleman, Heavy, Zooka, Warrior and Tanks. For your village defenses, you have structures such as Mortar, Machine Gun, Sniper Tower, Cannon, Flamethrower, Mine, Tank Mine, Boom Cannon and Rocket Launcher to help you eradicate enemies.

What are the initial critics on Supercell’s latest game launch? Some people are saying that this is a low budget project resembling a make-over of their flagship game, Clash of Clans. What we can also expect is a requirement to make in-game purchases to progress, as it becomes increasingly difficult after a certain stages in the game.

So far, there is hardly any social options / functions in this game i.e. there is no chat, unable to team up with friends, etc but then again we can expect this to change in the near future as Boom Beach is still in their Beta Mode.

In a nutshell, this is definitely worth checking out if you like strategy games, especially if you’re a fan of Clash of Clans. Would like to know what opinions you have, after you do.