Firstly, Candy Crush comes with somewhat interesting story line. Many would say, it is indeed childish and cartoonish but just as in most online adventure games, the game gives users a different experience from their story telling element. Many people do find Candy Crush characters cute and funny. As ironic as it may sound, many users are still curious what happens next although we do know what kind of story line we are being presented here.
Simple user interface that makes it easy for users to appeal to mass market majority. Anyone with half a brain would be easily ‘turn-on’ by the first 30 levels and you find players of all age groups, playing Candy Crush. The graphics user interface ( GUI ) for this game deceives the majority that this is indeed an easy game. When you get to the higher levels you discover that level of difficulty increases exponentially and one finds themselves repeating the same level multiple times. It either drives / motivates you to move forward or breaks you by testing your patience.
Social networking element. Like most mobile games, the social networking element adds additional emotional feelings into the experience. When your friends start sharing achievements, the peer pressure mounts when your scores are publicly announced. It is common to have a few friends that constantly directly or indirectly brag about how great they are. Definitely an emotional button is pressed which normally motivates to work on your achievement.
Continuity of content. As in most big online games, regular updates in content keeps the game and eco system alive. Their developers has constantly made efforts to constantly give users a reason not to get bored and keep you busy scratching your head on how to complete these levels. The level of frustration is often sufficient to make you conduct online purchases, to aid in the level completion. The punch line is just spending real money for aid doesn’t guarantee that will complete the level which may add to further frustration. So which category do you fall under?