In those days, the cards will have been hand made and the prints would have been hand drawn. A lot of work went into the design of the cards and they were not mass-produced. People probably had to go to a public house to play their card games because they could not afford to have their own deck of cards.

Nowadays, cards are more affordable and people have their own decks. They play their card games in their own home and some people organize special nights, where people go to their house to play the game and drink, and be merry. Card games are extremely social.

Everyone knows these games. Even if someone only knows how to play one card game, they can still learn more. There are books on games and websites, which will show, people the ins and outs of the rules.

Card games are extremely popular. Even with the introduction of modern technology, the popularity of card games has not waned. Some websites will have digital versions of the games, but people will still buy the physical packs of cards. This is the case with Top Trumps; Magic the Gathering cards and even regular playing cards.

Business Idea

Therefore, making your own card game seems to be one of the best business ideas because it has proven that the interest in the games do not wane, even when times change.

However, that is not to say that you can just release any old game and not put any effort into it. People aren’t stupid; they know when games have been shoddily thrown together.

If you are thinking about inventing your own card game, then you have to have a good idea and you have to put the effort into the design. Read on for some tips on how to do this.

  • Original Idea – First of all, you have to come up with an original idea. You must not copy someone else’s idea because you will be liable to legal action against you because they will have copyrighted their idea. So, when you come up with an original idea, you have to copyright yours as well. That way you can earn money from your game and you are protected from someone else stealing your idea.
  • Rules – Next, you need to think about what rules you want for your game. The trick is to have as many rules as you want, but to not make them too complicated. If the rules are complicated then people will not want to learn them, and then they won’t want to play the game. Your game has to be engaging and it has to be fun.
  • Design – The final process will be the design of the cards. You probably have an idea about how you want the cards to look. If you don’t, then look at some similar card games and then contact a designer. Describe the game to a designer and they might be able to come up with some good ideas for the game. If you want to employ a designer, you might be better using a company that will also print the cards out for you. That way you only have to pay one company and you can keep track of all the people that you have employed.