You had just left your castle for some time and on coming back, you are taken aback by the news that a cruel robber baron named Wolfgard the Flayer has attacked your family’s castle and now occupies it. The cruel invader has chased away all servants, and is holding your sister captive. In fact, there is no more news about your sister thereafter.

You move to the castle to see things for yourself and on getting there, you are ridiculously greeted by the new ruler of the castle. If there is anything going on in your mind during the moment, it would be anger and revenge. However, just as any wise and experienced leader would do, you choose to back off from there for some time. This retreat from the castle probably confuses Wolfgard who thinks that you have lost hope or you fear death. You know that this could either make him complacent or drop guard. That is exactly what happens. You then attack with perfect planning to take control over your castle but the evil one is not done yet. He manages to escape while taking your sister hostage.

Another worrying factor is that this evil fellow has many powerful friends and that would make it even more difficult to track him down and punish him for what he has done. Now is the real time to show that you have the best strategy making abilities and the inherent leadership qualities. Start building your empire from the scratch and get into action.

You will need to keep expanding your empire and being bonded with allies in order to fight against the other empires that will not be easy to beat by any stretch of imagination. Strategize every move like a truly able leader. Here in this fabulous online multiplayer game, you will be up against other real players from around the globe. Given the high quality and the absorbing gaming experience that this game has to offer, I suggest that you must play this game.