Hollywood tends to simplify the back-stories of comic book characters, and deliver their most basic elements to the general public. An epic tale that takes place somewhere in the universe pales in front of a story that is set on Earth, since this is the only type that humans can handle, or maybe, this is what Hollywood wants us to think. A Green Lantern game with this direction will cause a great disservice to his character and myth.
The Planet Oa is the very essence of the mythology of this character. This space sector 0 is home to the Green Lanterns, totaling 7,200 of them. They are the oldest and wisest (as what they think) beings of the universe, and they are known as the Guardians of the Universe. You heard this right. There is not only one such guy, but literally thousands of them, and they function as the intergalactic police force that guards the universe. The comics show off all the wild creatures and amazing planets that the DC Universe is made up of. Therefore, this should be present in a Green Lantern game and not ignored.
The hero’s world is so huge that it creates unlimited possibilities for video game projects. Imagining what a grade-A art direction group could achieve on a Green Lantern game can be both mind-boggling and mouth-watering. Sky is the limit in the literal sense of the word. It would be a big waste of potential to just stick to the film or comic license.
The Green Lantern’s most vital tool is his imagination, though the ring is quite important as well. Whatever they desire becomes a reality and this should be shown by a game on this subject. This is certainly a difficult job, but if the game does not give unlimited options to the gamers for ring constructs, this might as well be considered as a failure, as seen by a majority of this super hero’s fans.