• Team up. Teaming up with other players will make it easy for you to build your survival settlements quick. With the combined efforts from other characters you will keep safe for a considerable length of time. You, however need to be careful because there is always the risk of them killing you so as to keep the established areas to themselves.
  • Build a windmill. There are so many resources in moomooio for building strong settlements. A windmill is one of the best when it comes to generating points. The most important thing when playing is to make sure that you have a strategic place to run and hide so you can also defend your fort. Keep the windmills protected using forts.
  • Go for grouped resources. Resources that tend to be all together are good for your play. The fact that they are in close proximity one to the other means that fortifying the area is easy and you also increase your chances of growing your base faster. It is so much better to collect them together as compared to collecting one at a time. Scout around until you find the perfect site to get your village established.
  • Know the resources available to you. In this game the major materials that you should aim to collect are stone, food and wood. They of course will be around stony areas, berry bushes and trees that are around where you are. Gold is another resource, but it may not be as valuable as the others. Aim to collect as many resources as you can and continue building your settlement with survival in mind. The more items you have to build, the easier it will be to keep other players out as you harvest other goods.
  • Choose the right weapons. The weapons that you select should be dictated by whether you are offensive or defensive. For example a shield may be a better weapon when you are defensive whereas a bow will be great for offenses. You just need to know exactly where you will be applying the weapons so you choose that will work to your advantage.
  • Be careful with boost pads. They may be great, but when used in tight areas there is risk of enemies spiking down and hence trapping you until you quit. You may make a few mistakes as you play, but at least you will start getting familiar with the game and develop tactics that work for you.