Dungeon Leveling A Primer

The concept of dungeon leveling requires that you run dungeons to gain the necessary experience to level. Occasionally you’ll level at such a high rate of speed that you will reach multiple levels in just one run. I’m sure that most of you know that dungeon leveling came into being via the dungeon finder. This was added through patch 3. 3 that found its genesis in the Wrath of the Lich King expansion. What the dungeon finder does is to allow players from all the servers in a particular server group to band together and make a run in an instance. This further allows for players to locate groups in which they can run back to back instances, regardless of the time of day they make these runs. As you can see this information is for the initiated with rules and functionality of the game.

What Matters is Your Role in Party

What must be emphasized about dungeon leveling is that your role in the party is of utmost importance. There is little to no waiting time between dungeons for tanks and healers, however DPS find that there wait times can be much longer by as much as forty minutes in certain instances. This is largely dependent upon how many folks that are in your server group are lining up for dungeons that fall within your present range of level. Considering the relatively short wait times for tanks and healers its tempting for some player to join the queue as a healer or a tank. Doing this just to take advantage of the short waiting period is considered rude if you don’t understand what’s involved with taking on these roles. So it is imperative that you know what being a tank or a healers entails before you decide to join the queue as one.

Greater Gold Gains

Dungeon leveling has caught on for other reasons bringing additional rewards aside from speedy leveling. You have access to a better grade of loot. The loot dropped by the bosses in the dungeons is vastly superior to what you would find while out during solo questing.

Lest We Forget The Dungeon Quests

During dungeon leveling you’ll also have the opportunity to complete the dungeon quests. You will find dungeon quests are available in towns that are inclose proximity to the dungeon’s entrance. You have to complete the quest while inside the dungeon which means you are gaining experience by the multiple kills you are making. You also gain considerable experience when you turn in the dungeon quests later on. If you do not win the rolls on the great gear that dropped while you are inside the dungeon, you can be enthusiastic about the rewards gear you get for having completed the dungeon quest is of higher value than what you might have gotten from any solo quest. Well there’s your brief foray into the World of Warcraft dungeons, I hope you gained a little more insight to what it takes to master the dungeons.